Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What to do with Dead Bamboo?

Well I'm trying to answer this question.  My backyard has a little bamboo forest.  When I was younger I used to make little swords from the dead bamboo that had fallen to the ground.  Since defeating all of the imaginary Chinese dragons in my backyard, these dead bamboo tree's have for the most part gone unused.
 Backyard Bamboo
 Dead Bamboo

So....I've always wanted to make a piece of furniture that I could use.  Why not a little table?  Annnnd I can use the dead bamboo as material!  Now the design may not be anything innovative. In fact, I've seen designs like this.  My friend Elise made some really cool tables from broken pole vaulting poles.  The point is, I don't really care about being innovative here.  This is about creating!
 Started with this sketch
the process (and yes, table is a verb!)
Which one to choose?
materials harvested!

Love to hear your thoughts!  Which design should I choose.  Give me a number! 


Monday, May 30, 2011

New to this...

Hey everyone, 

So this is my first blog post, and I'm a little nervous.  This blog is about creation.  For most of my life I have been creating.  It is only within the past year that I have really made the effort to expose my creations to the light of day.  This is to further that effort.  Predominantly, these creations will include my music, which I have been writing and recording for a few years now, and my Industrial Design work, a field that I began studying last year in school.   However, my posts will not be limited to this, so don't be alarmed if you see other things up here!  The hope is that my work brings pleasure and encourages others to create.  I am open to feedback, and I hope you will follow me on this journey. 

James Connors