Sunday, August 14, 2011

If clouds could talk...


I enjoy giving everything in life a personality.  Creating a tiny back story and character to anything, big or small.  This is either used as a means to get a laugh or to create a personal attachment to said 'thing'.  This is just a little experiment in that concept.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Taking Risks

Life is all about taking risks.  In my opinion, I haven't taken enough of them.  I decided that I should depict how I feel about risk taking.  This picture was drawn when I was in Europe.
The idea behind the picture is that sometimes we have to jump from our stable platform onto something seemingly unstable.  As we do this, it is as if our brain shatters through the back of our heads and stays behind.  I often feel this mind numbing feeling when I take a leap.  For instance, when talking to an attractive girl.  However, in order to move forward in life, we often times have to take that leap.  Perhaps not a new thought but a new depiction. Here is version 1 of the final image. 

Let me know what you think!  


Monday, August 8, 2011

My Personal Credo

After going to see the movie 'Beginners' this weekend and watching Stefan Sagmeister's TED talk, they inspired me to write down my own personal credo.  These are the things that I try to remind myself everyday.  I don't know about you, but it helps me to put these down.  I plan to print this out and hang this in my room so that I never forget.  Let me know what your personal credo includes and possibly some lines to add.  This is version 1.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wait, you didn't know I had left?

Hey everyone,
So I got back from Europe on Wednesday, the 29th of June, from a two week vacation with my parents.  There were many destinations and one final goal.  All will be revealed soon.  Stay tuned!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Introducing, James's

07 My Friend by James's

 I began my solo music project at the end of my senior year of high school.  Eight years of piano lessons, a class in 'Computers and Music' offered in high school, and an internship with a guy named Justin Paul producing video tutorials on recording programs were what dipped my foot in the water.   Soon afterward I decided to inflate some water wings and jump in. At first it was all instrumental.  Only within the past two years have I been comfortable to write lyrics and add vocals.  I am constantly assessing my writing, composing and recording abilities in order to achieve what I deem to be some decent tunes. 

This song is something a wrote at the beginning of last summer and addressed the idea of the friends I was loosing to graduation.  To me, the song encapsulates the feelings of the sadness of their leaving, the celebration of their friendship, and the confusion at the clashing of these emotions. 

Just another way that I create, and I hope you like it. 

P.S.  the artwork is an original image